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EYSA Referees


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What's New?
Are You a New Referee?

If you just became a certified referee, you are probably asking "What Now?!"

Next Matches

New games will be posted in Fall

Have a great summer!

Required Paperwork

The following paperwork must be on file in order to referee for EYSAreferees.

Under 18 Years Old:

Everyone: To check the status of your paperwork and certification, please visit the Referee:Status page.

Please identify yourself by entering your SiteNameSiteName and the Password that identifies you to the Eastside Youth Soccer Association Referees, and click "Logon"

Identify Yourself
Password Show
  1. The SiteName can be in the general form "First Middle Last" or "Last, First Middle". and is NOT case sensitive
  2. Blanks are suppressed and not significant in the SiteName
  3. The Password IS CasE SenSItive and must be entered precisely to compare favorably with the Password on file

Forgotten your PasswordHelp

Try looking over Logon: Passwords. If you're still uncertain how to proceed, contact for assistance.