EYSA Referees



Setting up the Fall SeasonPrintable

There are a number of pieces that need to go into place to set up the fall season.
  1. Rules
    1. Acquire New Rules
      1. Contact EYSA and ask for list of rules for each age in the league
      2. Review the rules and make sure they make sense. You can usually use last year's rules for guidance since you reviewed them last year and approved them. If you have problems with the rules, get clarification from the club.
    2. Remove Old Rules from Website
      1. Go to Administrator: Files: Listings
      2. Set document location to "www\\documents" (this should be the default setting)
      3. Click on Garbage Can icon to delete a document
    3. Add New Rules to Website
      1. File naming conventions
        1. File names should begin with a word/abbreviation that will group it with related documents since documents are sorted by name. Don't begin with the year as most documents will have the same year.
        2. File names should contain a year so people can easily identify the year the document applies to.
      2. Go to Administrator: Files: Upload
      3. Set "Folder" to "www\\documents"
      4. Click "Choose File" and select the file you want to upload
      5. Click on "Upload File"

  2. Delete Last Year's Teams
    1. Go to Administrator: Manage: Teams
    2. Delete all teams (click on the trash can icon)

  3. Load This Year's Teams and Coaches
    1. The Team and Coach list needs to be in a .CSV format to upload to
    2. The contents of this Team and Coach list file needs to have these headers and values
      1. ID - The team ID. For EYSA it will begin with 2011 and will consist of 9 digits
      2. Name - The team name
      3. Gender - Either B or G
      4. Level - U08, U09, U10, U11, U12
      5. Division - 1-6 or more
      6. Club - Bellevue, Issaquah, Lake Hills, Mercer Island, Newport, SnVSYA
      7. Comments - Name of one or two coaches
    3. Load the Team and Coach Information into
      1. Go to Administrator: Database: Upload
      2. Choose the .CSV Teams and Coaches file and click "Upload File"
      3. Go to Administrator: Database: Bulk Load
      4. Set the Destination to "Teams" and click "Validate"
      5. Click "OK"

  4. Associate Registered Coaches with their Teams
      This is a tedious process.
      Note:You will associate coach who are not currently registered with with their team when they register with

    1. Open the Teams and Coaches file
    2. For each coach you need to associate the coach with their team if the coach is already registered with
      1. Copy their last name from the spreadsheet
      2. Go to Administrator: Manage: Teams
      3. Paste the coach's last name into the "Comments" box in the "Teams Criteria" area and click "Show". This will display that coach's team.
      4. Click the "Key" for that team to edit the team
      5. Paste the coach's last name into one of the Coach boxes.
        1. If the coach is already registered with, their name will appear as a choice for the coach.
          • Click the name to select the coach.
          • Click "Update".
        2. If the coach's name doesn't appear, they are not register so move to the next team. You will associate this coach with their team when they register with

  5. Associate New Coaches with their Team
      After registered coaches have been associated with their teams, you need to associate new coaches as they register with
    1. Find the new coach in the "Users" table
    2. Copy their last name from the "Users" table
    3. Go to Administrator: Manage: Teams
    4. Paste the coach's last name into the "Comments" box in the "Teams Criteria" area and click "Show". This will display that coach's team.
    5. Click the "Key" for that team to edit the team
    6. Paste the coach's last name into one of the Coach boxes
    7. Their name will appear as a choice for the coach
    8. Click the name to select the coach
    9. Click "Update"
    10. Click on "Users" on the top of the page and click the "Welcome" icon to finish the registration process for the coach

  6. Set the Standings Setting
    1. Go to Administrator: Options: Settings
    2. Choose "Standings"
    3. Set the StartDate to the first day of the fall season
    4. Set the EndDate to a date after the last day of the fall season but before any other season
    5. Set the StartLevel to the lowest level that standings will be displayed to the public (usually U11)
    6. Click "Update"
    7. Go to Administrator: Options: Setting and click the Refresh icon to make the changes take effect immediately

  7. Set the Sportsmanship Setting
    1. Go to Administrator: Options: Settings
    2. Choose "Sportsmanship"
    3. Set the StartDate to the first day of the fall season
    4. Click "Update"
    5. Go to Administrator: Options: Setting and click the Refresh icon to make the changes take effect immediately

  8. Check for Changes in Durations
    1. Go to Administrator: Options: Durations
    2. Review the duration of the matches and the amount of team before and after the matches to make sure they are correct. This will affect when warnings will be given for games overlapping and for referees being able to sign up for consecutive games. It also sets the amount of time calculated for L&I taxes

  9. Check for Changes in Fees
    1. Go to Administrator: Options: Fees
    2. Review the fees for the various levels of matches

  10. Check for Changes in Methods (i.e. Center and ARs)
    1. Go to Administrator: Options: Methods
    2. Review the positions to open for each game (Ref, AR1, AR2, 4th, Mtr) by default

  11. Check for Changes in Patterns (How many games per day, week, month per Referee; age of Referees)
    1. Go to Administrator: Options: Patterns
    2. Review how many games per day, week, month a referee can sign up for

  12. Check for Changes in Ranks (How much experience for each type/level of game)
    1. Go to Administrator: Options: Ranks
    2. Review the rankings for games. This rarely changes.

  13. Date(s) & Time(s) Matches Will be Posted for Referees to Sign Up

    We usually release the first 2 weeks of fall games on one date and then open each remaining week one at a time. The first release date is driven by when the games are ready. We'd like to open them 16 or more days before the regular season but the schedules are sometimes not available. The 3rd week is usually opened on the Thursday 16 days before the 3rd weekend. The 4th week is opened on the Thursday 16 days before the 4th weekend.

    The format of the "Released" setting is a list of overlapping date/times: "StartDate StartTime=>EndDate EndTime,". The StartDate is the date the set of games will be opened. The StartTime, the time on that date to open them. The EndDate/EndTime pair specify end of the range of games to open.

    Don't forget that the Jamboree will need to be added to the start of this list and opened separately.

    See the example in the comments within "Released".

    1. Go to Administrator: Options: Settings
    2. Choose "Released"
    3. Set the StartDate/StartTime and EndDate/EndTime pairs for the season
    4. Click "Update"
    5. Go to Administrator: Options: Setting and click the Refresh icon to make the changes take effect immediately

  14. Load the Fall Matches