Recertification ExplainedCertifications run on the calendar year (January 1 - December 31). First time certifications are a little different. If the first time you are certified is between July 1, 2020 and Dec 31, 2020, for example, your certification will be good for more than a year. It will be good until Dec 31, 2021. When to Recertify You may recertify beginning Aug 1 before your certification expires. Once your certification expires, you may not referee until you have recertified. If you are certified in 2018, 2019 or 2020, you can recertify, beginning Aug 1, 2020. Recertification must be completed by June 15, 2021 in order to referee in 2021. Otherwise, you must wait until 2022. How to Recertify Here is a detailed walk-through of How to Recertify. You must complete a Recertification Clinic. You must also complete a set of Online Lessons and pass the embedded test. You can find recertification clinics by going to WAReferees.org, logging in and looking for Recertification clinics in the Clinic Reservations section. Recertification costs $70 and is paid by credit card online when you start the recertification process. Referees with Expired Certification For the sake of explanation, assume the current year is 2020. If you were last certified in 2018, you can recertify by following the recertification instructions above. This must be completed by June 15, 2020 in order to referee in 2020. Otherwise, you must wait until 2021. If you were last certified in 2017 or before, you must take an Grassroots Clinic. Since this will not be the first time you certified, your certification will only be good until Dec 31, 2020. Last Updated August 3, 2020 | |||||||||